Biography Adrian Rhodes

 Manchester born, Manchester bred, Manchester trained – Manchester is in my blood.
I have been working with people in difficult times and circumstances for over 50 years.Adrian Rhodes

This has taken me:

  • from the pastoral care and counselling of people facing illness, death & bereavement,
  • to psychotherapy with individuals struggling with difficult histories and even more difficult present,
  • to NHS work with people who self-harm or attract a diagnosis of personality disorder
  • and working with therapeutic groups both F2F and online

I have 20+ years of work as an NHS Psychotherapist, and even longer in private practice

Whilst my focus is firmly on the time I spend with individuals or groups, my involvement in the psychotherapy profession is notable.

From July 2011-13 I was President of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP). From 2011-2013, Vice President from 2009-11 and 2013-15. The EAP represents the principle professional bodies from 28 nations and 18 psychotherapy modalities. Prior to that I was Hon. Sec., then Vice Chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy – the principal UK regulatory body for psychotherapy. A Registered Group and Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), through the “Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis College” (CPJA).

I supervise counsellors and psychotherapists, lead personal development groups for counsellors, and teach in the UK and abroad.

My work is covered by the UKCP Standards and Code of Ethics and Complaints Procedures

But my passion is in the therapeutic encounter, the space where the real work is done.

Prior to training and working as a psychotherapist, my primary profession is as a Church of England clergyman; I still practice and I am an honorary Canon or Manchester Diocese. For some considering therapy, this may be an obstacle; all I can say is that I am both able and careful to separate out the two roles. Having my own training analysis means I am largely aware of the biases that might interfere with others’ therapy.

Potted Biography

1972 – 1975 – Ordained curate, St. John, Bury
1974 – 1977 – Counselling and Pastoral Care training
1975 – 1977 – Asst. Chaplain, North Manchester General Hospital
1977 – 1983 – Hospital Chaplain, Walsall
1983 – 2000 – Senior Chaplain, Manchester Royal Infirmary (and Trust)
1985 – 1986 – Group Psychotherapy training.
1986 – Present – Counselling training Personal Development Group facilitator
1989 – 1993 – Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy training
1996 – 2015 – NHS Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
2000 – Present – Chaplain, Manchester Cathedral
2009 – Honorary Canon, Diocese of Manchester
2002 – 209 – Hon. Secretary, then Vice Chair, UK Council for Psychotherapy
2009 – 2011 & 2013 – 2015 – Vice President, European Association for Psychotherapy
2011 – 2013 – President, European Association for Psychotherapy
2018 – 2023 – President, European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies
2020 – 2023 – Chair of Association of Counselling and Therapy Online